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Southern Charm Books

I'm Ramzi. Super mom to Easton. Girlfriend/Bestfriend/Sock-pickerupper to Luke. Insurance agenent. Mexican food. Mascato. Book lover. Blogger.

Currently reading

The Edge of Darkness
Melissa Andrea
Night After Night
Lauren Blakely
Kelly Elliott
Beautifully Damaged (Beautifully Damaged)
L.A. Fiore
Progress: 20 %
Flat-Out Celeste
Jessica Park

Clipped Wings

Clipped Wings - Helena Hunting LOVED this book!
I received it as an ARC but didn't have time to read it before the release date! :(

I am so impressed with Helena's writing. This book was sweet yet steamy and romantic yet diiirty! It was just the right amount and I couldn't put it down!
I think I'm in love with Hayden, he is so sweet and thoughtful yet he's playful and aggressive (where it matters).
I also got the sequel, [b:Inked Armour|13640549|Clipped Wings and Inked Armour|hunterhunting|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1395844139s/13640549.jpg|19254973] as an ARC and am starting on it now! (I know I'm late)

Has a cliffhanger BUT since the next book is out, I won't complain.

Can't wait to see how Hayden & Tenley's story ends. <3<br/>
This book in a nutshell:


Yes that is a cupcake ;)

