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Southern Charm Books

I'm Ramzi. Super mom to Easton. Girlfriend/Bestfriend/Sock-pickerupper to Luke. Insurance agenent. Mexican food. Mascato. Book lover. Blogger.

Currently reading

The Edge of Darkness
Melissa Andrea
Night After Night
Lauren Blakely
Kelly Elliott
Beautifully Damaged (Beautifully Damaged)
L.A. Fiore
Progress: 20 %
Flat-Out Celeste
Jessica Park

Mile High (Up In The Air, #2)

Mile High (Up In The Air, #2) - R.K. Lilley Ugh it just keeps getting better. And better. And better. I love these two together so much. I'm on the third now and I've literally devoured the entire series in three days. 5. Freaking. Stars.