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Southern Charm Books

I'm Ramzi. Super mom to Easton. Girlfriend/Bestfriend/Sock-pickerupper to Luke. Insurance agenent. Mexican food. Mascato. Book lover. Blogger.

Currently reading

The Edge of Darkness
Melissa Andrea
Night After Night
Lauren Blakely
Kelly Elliott
Beautifully Damaged (Beautifully Damaged)
L.A. Fiore
Progress: 20 %
Flat-Out Celeste
Jessica Park

Losing It

Losing It  - Cora Carmack 5 Sexy british, professor stars!

Bought this on a whim and I absolutely loved it!
Bliss was hilarious, and I could relate to her on almost every level.
I'm used to super smutty books but I loved that this was a slow, romantic build but with just enough HEAT!
I mean come on, hot British professor that's off limits? YES PLEASE.

I look forward to reading more from Cora!